What folder are opera extensions
What folder are opera extensions

what folder are opera extensions

But, of course, it is always better to backup your Opera settings time-to-time to ensure that you can always go back to your initial setup in case of any issues. With these four steps, you have restored your browser to its original state. Then, replace all the files in the destination folder. Select all the files in the directory using Ctrl + A and paste the files.Open Windows Explorer and insert the address below in the windows address bar to open the Opera files directory (replace prana with your username).Ĭ:\Users\prana\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable.Open the Opera backup folder you created in step 1 and copy all the files.It will take several months before Opera Stable hits version 25 and it is likely that the company will improve the bookmarks manager in that time.Home › Browsers › Opera › That’s how You Can Install Opera Without Losing DataĤ. Other options that are missing at the time of writing is a recycle bin or an undo feature at the very least to undo accidental deletes, options to move multiple bookmarks at the same time, or an option to display the list of bookmarks in a persistent sidebar.Ĭonsidering that the feature has been integrated into a Developer version of Opera, it is too early to criticize Opera Software for the missing features. It is for instance not possible to delete folders once they have been created, and since it is not possible to move folders into other folders, you may end up with a selection of empty folders that clutter your sidebar. Once you start using the new bookmarks options, you will notice that several features are still amiss. You can use the Ctrl-d shortcut to add the active page to the bookmarks, or drag & drop bookmarks to the bookmarks bar to save them there directly. New bookmarks can be added in several ways. It can display them as text lines that highlight the name of the page/domain and address, or as thumbnail images instead.īoth the integrated search and the dragging & dropping of bookmarks works really well. Opera supports two different display modes for bookmarks.

What folder are opera extensions